Mini Professors is an exciting programme that brings science to the smallest children in an understandable format that they love. Covering up to 80 different topics (you could choose which ones you wanted to feature if you didn’t do it every week), there are a minimum of 2 hands-on experiments within a 40 minute session. Throw in our own video, a relevant story and a set of laminated photos and other items for the children to handle each session, it is the highlight of any child’s week.
Mini Professors can create a tailored package for your nursery ranging from every week to a monthly party. If you wish just to use us as an end-of term party then this could also be arranged.
Science for small children is a plain simple ‘Wow’! The dramatic effect of a volcano, digging for fossils or making mini-tornados gives real life hands-on experience that transcends the theory.
We are certain the children will absolutely love their time in their mini lab coats and make your nursery stand out as the provider of the best activities in the area.
Croft Village Pre-school
"We love or mini professor visits. We get really excited to see what we are going to be doing and get thoroughly involved! The children and teachers are always excited when Professor Laura arrives!
We initially funded Mini Professors visits through a grant that we had. But we all loved the sessions so much we asked Professor Laura to carry on coming!"
Here is what our children had to say:
"its cool...she sometimes brings in funnybones"
"I like doing experiments"
"I like the explosions"
Words of the staff/teachers
"We love Mini Professors there is always something we learn as well. We actually look forward to the visits as much as the children. Our favourite lessons have been body coverings, blood, chemical reactions and tiny creatures."
Yellow Dot Nursery
"The sessions have been interesting and educational, they have inspired each and every child and engage their attention. The subjects we have had have been fun and exciting and the children have loved them."